Lesson 4:
Advance Spreadsheet Skills

To learn Microsoft Excel is now a requirement in various field of work nowadays. Offices or other workplace that deals with clerkship or paper stuffs really need to know how to access and use the spreadsheet. Through this Microsoft Office tool, company secretaries were able manage information briefly and save much time. So, this lesson that our teacher taught us, give us a wide idea about how this tool work, and how could this help us in our study. 

So first, let us know what is Microsoft Excel, by definition it says it is a widely used spreadsheet program. A spreadsheet program is a software for entering, editing, manipulating and printing information in a tabulate form. It is a program mainly used for handling numbers. 

In using this Office Tool, you should know the proper use of how the Formulas and Functions work. 
There is a mnemonic device which is called the Rule of Precedence, it is use through this phrase "Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally. Just like in Mathematics, each capital letter stands for a certain word. P for Parenthesis, E for Exponent, M for Multiplication, D for Division, A for Addition, and then S for Subtraction.

The following is the list of commonly used mathematical symbols in Excel.

=Sum(range) – used to compute the total of all items in the specified range.
=Average(range) – used to get the average of the items in a range.
=Count(range) – used to count the values found in the range.
=Max(range) – used to get the largest value within the range.
=Min(range) – used to get the smallest value within the range.

Also, Microsoft Excel is a viable tool in market research and product development. For the reason that there are functions like [=COUNTIF(range,criteria)], [=SUMIF(range,criteria)], and [=AVERAGEIF(range,criteria)] that would help companies to determine which of their product sells best, points out what product is left unselled, and tells what is the average sales per day could be. 


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