Lesson 7:
Online Platforms as Tools for ICT Content and Development

In this lesson about Online Platforms as Tools for ICT Content and Development, I was able to identify the nature and purposes of online platforms and applications, and apply web design principles and elements using online creation tools, platforms and application.

Nature and Purposes of Online Platforms and Application

                In studying this broad topic, the teacher breaks down this into parts. She first defines “Platforms” as technologies that are grouped to be used as a base upon which other applications processes or technologies are developed. On the other hand, Online platform” is a specially developed platform using Internet technology. Online platforms have revolutionized access to any information.

She stated some of Online Platforms’ purpose, hereby follows as, create and share materials and information which can be accessed online, publish plans and other resources online enabling users to access them anywhere, and access a variety of materials that can be customized to meet the needs of the users.

She even shares examples of Online Platform such as Social Media, these are compute-mediated tools that allow people, companies and other organizations to create, share, or exchange information, career interests, ideas, and pictures/video in virtual communities and networks like Twitter and Facebook.

Another example is Blogging, which focuses on the content and design. It typically looks like a newsletter where you are given options to change the design to your liking, like WordPress, Tumblr, and Blogger.  

Presentation/Visualizations is also part of the example, its primary goal is to communicate information clearly and efficiently via statistical graphics, plots and information graphics, like Prezi, Zoho, SlideShare, and Mindmeister.

While, Cloud Computing is the practice of using network of remote servers hosted on the Internet to store, manage process data, rather than a local server or a personal computer like Google Drive, and DropBox.

Furthermore, Web Page Creation is a platform that encompasses a number of important elements including color, layout, and overall graphical appearance like Wix, and Weebly.

In the same way, Files Management is the storing naming, sorting and
handling of computer files like Zamar and word2pdf.

Lastly, Mapping is an online platform which shows a transformation taking the points of one space into the points of the same or another space like Google Maps, and Ikiamapia.


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