Lesson 2:
Rules of Netiquette
In this lesson, I was able to learn fundamentals about Online Safety and Security.

An internet user should be mindful about his or her own online account, even though through the use of this innovation, we can attain benefits in promoting business, improve social life and reminisce the old memories. Also, this thing could also be sort of a leisure or stress diversion. Not just only that, but since it gives us welfare, we should be keen that this also obtrude danger regarding the information we share about ourselves.

Our teacher also listed down some Tips to Stay Stafe Online. Let me share you some of my preferred tips from those.

1.       Avoid downloading anything from untrusted websites. You are most vulnerable in peer-to-peer downloads (torrents) as the download is most likely not monitored by the site owner.

2.       Install and update an antivirus software on your computer. Use only one anti-virus software to avoid conflicts.

3.       Avoid logging in to public networks/Wi-Fi. Browsing in “incognito (or private) mode,” a feature of the browser, will not protect you from hackers.

As a user, we should be aware about the various Internet Threats on the web. The following are:

1.       Malware – stands for malicious software.
It has different types:
a. Virus b. Worm c. Trojan d. Spyware e. Adware

2.       Spam – unwanted email mostly from bots or advertisers.

3.       Phishing – Its goal is to acquire sensitive personal information like passwords and credit card details.

I learned also that whenever we use the Internet we should be responsible for the information we input and even share. Thinking before you decide to confirm some things is an embellish factor for your own security. My teacher even suggested that we should not use our real names to avoid meeting an online impostor.

Lastly, on what I think is the most important thing in this lesson is how our teacher taught us the safety in doing an online research. It is necessary for a student like me to know such things about this because we are doing a research paper or an academic thesis. Disregarding this point would lead you to commit plagiarism and violate copyright infringement.


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