Lesson 5:
Advance Presentation Skills

Whenever we are talking about visual presentations, resorting Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation is the best decision. In this lesson, the teacher has taught us to use hyperlinks to improve our presentation skills, shows us the proper way in embedding files and data to their PowerPoint Presentation, that this thing help us to attain an effective visual aid tool.  

A software that allows user to create visual aids for presentations to communicate ideas, messages, and other info to a group is called Presentation Software. 

Microsoft PowerPoint is the common presentation software that I have been using in digital presentation until now. But I had learned that there are other software that could be use in presentations, such as MagicPoint, OpenOffice.org Impress, LibreOffice Impress, and Powerdot 

Here below are the Key Terms in MS PowerPoint. 

Presentation Views
The teacher also discussed about the type of views you could manipulate in using the MS PowerPoint.

Normal View

Normal View- simplified layout of the page so you can quickly key, edit, and format the test.

Note Page Views

Notes Page View- displays yours slides on the top portion of the page, with the speaker notes for each slide in the notes pane on the bottom of the pane.

Outline View

Outline View - displays all of the text in a PowerPoint slide show in outline form regardless of the design, objects, and animations.  

Slide Sorter View

 Slide Sorter View- display mini versions of slides and allows you to re- arrange them.

This lesson also includes Elements of an Effecting Presentation. We should use these elements as a guideline for us to be able to make an impressive and lively presentation. Through these things, the audience would be able to get or receive your report or presentation clearly and intelligently. 

1. Minimize 2. Clarity 3. Simplicity 
4. Visuals 5. Consistency 6. Contrast


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