Lesson 9:
Interactive Multimedia

In this topic regarding Interactive Multimedia, the teacher discussed to us that in the end of the lesson we should be able use an online collaborative group to effectively monitor group tasks.

She then defines Interactive Multimedia as any computer-delivered electronic system that allows the user to control, combine, and manipulate different types of media, such as text, sound, video, computer graphics, and animation

This type of media can be functional in various things like to education, training, games, simulation, information presentation and corporate presentation.  

There are 12 Types of Interactive Media as shown below.

The teacher also discussed some Multimedia contents such as the following:
1.       Videos
2.       Sound, Music, or Audio
3.       Online games
4.       Online tests
5.       Courseware
6.       Podcasts
7.       Vodcasts

Let me show a sample video which is related to Interactive Media.


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